Reiner Stuhlfauth
Technology Manager Wireless. Rohde & Schwarz
Speaker profile
Reiner Stuhlfauth is a technology manager wireless from the Test & Measurement Division of Rohde & Schwarz in Munich. Before that he worked as trainer and has more than 20 years experience in teaching and promoting mobile communication technologies in the background of cellular standards and non-cellular technologies. He is involved in several projects concerning 5G, 5G advanced and 6G research activities.
Reiner has presented at a plethora of conferences and events, he has published several technical documents, webinars and he is one of the authors of the R&S technology book “5G New Radio – fundamentals, procedures, testing aspects”. He holds the academic degree of engineer in telecommunications (Dipl.-Ing) issued by the Technical University of Kaiserslautern.

Thursday 07 March
15:00 - 16:00 | Small Sats Theatre